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Sunday, May 30, 2010

My Mom

A couple weeks ago, my mom wanted some portraits. So we went in the backyard, and shot several pictures.

I'm planning on doing a photo shoot with some of my friends this Tuesday, so I plan on have lots of great pictures to post!

Also, I reached 60 followers this weekend! Thank you all for following and reading my posts!

Have a great week, everyone!

Wednesday, May 26, 2010

Miscellaneous Pink

Some pink flowers on a rhododendron bush in our yard.

My sister with her chicken, Suzie.

Monday, May 24, 2010

A Couple Pics From My Weekend...

Alina, Claire, and Tiana.

Some pretty purple flowers that I found growing in our backyard.

More to come!

Saturday, May 22, 2010

A Baby Boy

On Wednesday, my cousin had a baby boy. Here are some pictures I got the day after he was born:

Happy Saturday, everyone!

Tuesday, May 18, 2010

Historic Flight Open House

Saturday we volunteered at the Historic Flight Open House and I happened to get a few okay pictures.

I like getting the details of some of the planes.

John (on the very right) who owns and flys several vintage planes.

On the propeller.

My sisters friend, Andrew, getting ready to release his paper glider.

Another propeller.

Daniel, Andrew, and Alina.

Happy Tuesday everyone!

Sunday, May 16, 2010

Unplanned Photo Fun!

I was standing in the grass, with the wind blowing, and my camera in hand. I've always wanted to get some photos with someone's hair blowing in the wind. So I told my friend Cristina, to pose for some pictures.   Cristina 3 Vintage

Cristina 2

Cristina 5

Cristina 1

Cristina 4

I’ll be posting some pictures from the Historic Flight Open House we volunteered at yesterday. But it might be a few days since I’m sick and not feeling too good…

Have a great Sunday!

Tuesday, May 11, 2010

My First Award

Kirstin from These are a Few of My Favorite Things... awarded me with the Beautiful Blogger Award. Thank you so much, Kirstin!

The Rules:
1. Thank the person who nominated you and link to their blog.
2. Copy the award and paste it to your blog.
3. Tell us seven interesting facts about yourself.
4. Pass this award on to 15 fantastic bloggers you have discovered.

5. Contact your nominations and let them know they've won.

My interesting facts:
1. I'm homeschooled. I have been my whole life and I love it!

2. I'm a crafty person. I like to scrapbook, make cards, to origami, and just about anything creative.

3. I LOVE swing music! I listen to it on Pandora all the time. I also like Celtic Woman.

4. I like to bake. Cookies, brownies, pretzels, cinnamon rolls. It doesn't really matter what I bake, as long as it's something tasty!

5. I've only been photographing with a DSLR since January.

6. I don't like pink. I do like blue and lime green though.

7. I don't like clothes shopping that much. That's because I always have trouble finding stuff that I like and/or fits.

I award the Beautiful Blogger Award to:
Elyssa, at A Dream
Carlotta, at Pastor's Pastor's Girl's Ponderings
Katherine, at Katherine Schluss {photoblog}
Melody at A Rose in God's Garden Photography
Missy at Love Wins
Lacy at Lacy Self Photography
And any followers who don't already have this award. You all are beautiful bloggers!

Waiting for Summer

I haven’t been photographing to much lately, so I won’t have as many posts for a while. But once summer starts, I’m sure I’ll have oodles of pictures to share! Next month we will be going camping, which I’m sure to get lots of pictures. And after schools out, I’m planning a couple photo shoots with my friends, which should be lots of fun! And near the end of summer, we are going to spend a week at a beach house.

So for now, here is a picture of my sister, Alina, outside in our backyard reading Nancy Drew: The Mystery at Lilac Inn. It's one of my favorite Nancy Drew books!
Alina Reading
Have a great day!

Saturday, May 8, 2010

World History

 We just finished studying World War II in my World History class. Just two more chapters then we are done with the book! :D We've learned lots of information, but a bunch of it hasn't stayed with me. One school year just isn't enough time to study the whole history of the world!

I haven't had anything interesting to photograph latley, so I decide to take a few photos of my history book.

I love getting up close to objects when getting pictures of them.

Maps. I've always loved looking at them and doing activities where you have to label different locations and features.

Thursday, May 6, 2010

Lilacs are Blooming

We have a lovely lilac tree in our backyard and not long ago, it began to bloom. My mother picked a handful of them and put them in a vase, and they smell so good! I love spring!
The background behind the flowers was dull looking, so I added a texture from Johnna's blog.

Tuesday, May 4, 2010


Doji is our other fuzzy feline (I posted about his brother, Koko, here). These brothers may look similar, but once you get to know them, you will find out that they have many differences.

Doji doesn't like to cooperate when I bring out the camera. It's quite a bit harder to get a good picture of him, that it is with his brother. But here are a couple that turned out pretty good.

Doesn't he have pretty eyes?

Sunday, May 2, 2010


Yesterday my sisters went to a birthday brunch and they got to get dressed up a bit. Tiana loves dressing fancy, but Alina doesn't. She won't even wear a skirt or dress. I snapped a few photos before they left.

Alina and Tiana

Tiana; I really like this one!

Alina; just a simple portrait, since she doesn't like to have me take her picture.

Another shot of Tiana, which I also love!


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