Whenever we travel somewhere, my mom likes to buy an ornament for our Christmas tree that has something to do with the area we visited. Some of them include: Canada, Mt. Rushmore, Disneyland, Tennessee, and San Francisco. But our latest edition, and a favorite for all us kids, is our Disney Cruise Line ornament from our Disney Wonder cruise in February. I think it will be the favorite for a long time.
Today is December second, which means Christmas is just 23 days away. I've already watched several Christmas movies, but I can't wait to watch The Santa Clause movies which I have set to record on our DVR next weekend. Those are some of my favorites. And my Christmas station on Pandora has been on pretty much all day every day, which I awesome.
Hooray for awesome Christmas tree bokeh!
I decided to make a Christmas video with clips of different decorations around the house. You can check it out below:
Yesterday we went to the Festival of Trees, which had around a dozen beautifully decorated trees. There was everything from winter red and white candies, Cinderella, nature Mexican, and even Clifford the Big Red Dog themed trees.
These green feather-y birds are my favorite! There were lots of shiny giant ornaments perfect for taking pictures of yourself.
Hope you all had a wonderful Thanksgiving! Thanksgiving was pretty simple this year, just hanging out and dinner with Grandma and Grandpa. Friday we all went Black Friday shopping (at 3:00AM!), which we've been doing for about ten years now, and came home with some good deals. And all weekend we've been eating tons of Thanksgiving leftovers, which I love.
I've put some lights up in my bedroom window, the house is filled with Christmas decorations, we've been listening to lots of Christmas music on Pandora, and I have already watched two Christmas movies. Oh, and we just got our tree. Christmas time is definitely here!
-A couple months ago my sister Tiana got her new camera, a Panasonic GF3 in the mail. It's a mirror-less interchangeable-lens camera, so the body is quite small, about the size of an average point and shoot, but has interchangeable lenses. It's takes great pictures!
-Our friends Rose, Carrie, and Emmalyn had never seen any of the American Girl movies, but had read the books, so whenever we could we've been getting together to watch them all. We watched them all in date order; Felicity, Samantha, Kit, and Molly. We finished this past Sunday and are planing on watching The Princess Diaries next.
-Two weeks ago our family went to a costume party that our friends hosted. I dressed up as a Disney Tourist. It was awesome. (Follow me on Instagram! I'm "sereinab")
-Tuesday I watched Bells are Ringing, a musical staring Judy Holliday and Dean Martin. I first saw it 2-3 years ago when I was just getting into old movies, but I enjoyed it even more this time. It's got some catchy songs and my sisters had them stuck in their heads for days! lol!
-Yesterday I suddely decided to take some video of all the pretty fall leaves and such outside and made a video montage with music. I turned out pretty good!