A week and a half ago, my family and I went on a trip to Oregon, and stayed at Aunt Carol's (you may remember my post from when we visited last year). I love the smell of the juniper and all the lava rocks in the area. Most of the time was spent relaxing at their property. Alina and my dad had a lot of fun shooting a red plastic cup with the BB gun. All of us kids and my dad enjoyed playing games of pool on their pool table. I brought homemade chocolate buffalo cookies that I made, that we ate after dinner one night with Trader Joe's vanilla ice cream. Grandma Margie was also visiting, so we got to spend time with her two of the days we were there.
One of Daniel's favorite things to do when we visit is catch lizards.
I love the lighting on this one. =)
One of Daniel's favorite things to do when we visit is catch lizards.
My dad discovered that there was a Geocache not far from the house, so we went to find it.