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Sunday, May 2, 2010


Yesterday my sisters went to a birthday brunch and they got to get dressed up a bit. Tiana loves dressing fancy, but Alina doesn't. She won't even wear a skirt or dress. I snapped a few photos before they left.

Alina and Tiana

Tiana; I really like this one!

Alina; just a simple portrait, since she doesn't like to have me take her picture.

Another shot of Tiana, which I also love!


  1. Very nice! I like the second one the best!

  2. Oh, your sisters look lovely,
    Sereina! Fabulous pictures. :)

  3. I love the softness of these photos! Beautiful...

  4. So so pretty. I love them all, i don't think i could choose a favourite :)

    K xx

  5. What lovely sisters you had! And what beautiful photos you took. Beautiful lighting.

    Sometimes Wordpress makes my photos off-center. If I put an extra space (hit enter) between photo & the text below it, it usually fixes itself.

  6. The first and second pictures are beautiful! I love Tiana's eyes and expression in the first one--gorgeous!

    Can't believe I wasn't following you...am now! (or will be, after this comment)

  7. You all leave such the nicest comments! Thank you everyone!

    Erica: I seemed to have fixed it. :D

    Hannah: Glad to have you as a follower! I love your blogs!

  8. Lovely pictures!!

  9. wow those are amazing!! Great job!! God has given you a great gift with the camera!
    Thanks for following my blog! i love yours!!


  10. I LOVE your pictures!!! I really like the second one Tiana looks like Nancy Drew!!!!


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