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Saturday, August 13, 2011

Project 52: Week 31


This is our next door neighbors new cat, who's name I have difficulty remember because it's Russian. He's really cute and lots of fun to play with. Our cats have been getting along with him quite well, which is good too.

Today Photoshop CS5 arrived in the mail! Oh yeah! I've been spending the afternoon getting familiar and having lots of fun with it.



  1. Cute kitty! I love orange tabbies.
    How fun... what is the best feature so far with CS5 that Elements doesn't have???

  2. Kathryn: So far I like the way the layers work and where they placed the levels, brightness and contrast, and the curves are much easier to get to. Oh, and I love that I can make my own actions as well.

  3. I always LOVE your photography, Sereina. The colors are vivid, you capture moments beautifully, and your picturs have such refreshing sense to them that I often come to your blog and just scroll through your beautiful pictures.

    I would love to see a Photoshop tutorial here and there. :-)


  4. Awesome kitty!
    You're going to love CS5 :)

  5. Another wonderful photo! So cute.
    Have fun with the CS5! :)
    God bless

  6. What a lovely kitty! I love taking photos of cats too :))



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